When I started the website miloupalmbeach.com, I had a vision of not only selling pieces of designers that I had discovered, but also telling their stories along with other muses and inspirational women I have met in my life and travel.
Currently the world is in a very strange time of uncertainty and struggle.
I find myself in an odd place of wanting to continue to promote my business that I started by myself 3 years ago, to wanting to shut everything down altogether. I’ve been contemplating ways to keep my creativity alive and digging deep into my not always business oriented brain for the true answer to it all. What I can say right now is that I do not want to give up on this dream. While spring cleaning my entire house these past three weeks of quarantine, I have found countless amounts of sketchbooks, magazine tear outs from Elle Decor and AD for inspo of what my store would look like, journal entries with ideas for my website, patterns & samples of clothes that I’ve sketched and designed since I was 18, and enough beads I collected in bead shops from Laguna Beach to Paris during my jewelry making days to open up a bead store.
I have been wanting this creative outlet for my entire adult life.
In some way shape or form. And although my dream of a brick and mortar shop and it’s expansion might not be my reality right now, I do not want to push away the hard work that I’ve put into Milou.

So with this being said, and this new reality sinking in, I would like to circle back to my original format of my vision for Milou.
I want to introduce, educate and share with my friends and costumers all of the wonderful people that have inspired me along the way. I will start with a new blog by the name of “Sunday Soul”. It will spotlight my friends that are in my life. Some I’ve known for years, some just a few months. But they all hold a special place in my heart and are a driving force behind my push to keep this whole thing going.
Big kiss,
View this week's Sunday Soul highlight: Courtney-Celeste Fisch.
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